Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sponsors Of Literacy

                After reading Brandts’ writing, I could think of many “sponsors” of my literacy that have led me to where I am today. Literacy has become a key component of becoming successful in America, and other countries around the world. Without it we would have pretty much nothing we do today. Literacy has always been looked at with respect, and it has been very important for centuries.
                Some sponsors of my literacy have been, first off, my parents. Before I even attended Kindergarten they would read books to me, and read a word off the page and have me repeat it while I was looking at the word. Next it was my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs.Bonica. There we learned to write and read even better. She would have a name tag at our desk with our name on it, and every day we would look at the name tag and learn to copy it and write our name. We got assigned books to read, with different levels to get to. As the years progressed, my other elementary school teachers taught us even more, including cursive, which is not used very often anymore.
                Reading and writing are essential in everyday life. The people, institutions, and even electronics are key in teaching people literacy. Without it, who knows where we’d be today.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be curious to hear more about some of your other literacy sponsors, especially later in life when your adult reading and writing habits/attitudes are starting to form.
