Monday, April 16, 2012

Harris, Chapter 4

                “By noting what others have had to say on a subject, defining where their thinking ends and yours begins, you can make your own stance as a writer all the more clear.” I agree with this quote from page 73 in the chapter Taking an Approach. It is good to take other peoples opinions about the subject you’re writing on to help yours come across more clearly. If you have other people that have somewhat the same idea as you, then it can make your paper come a long way. On page 86 Harris says that some writers are urged to try and not be bias about what they pick to write about, but as Harris says, this basically takes away the reason that you wanted to write about it in the first place. I agree with this statement. No one wants to write a paper on something that isn’t necessarily in line with their views or something they believe or are interested in.

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